A-to-Z Guide to Business Loans and Other Business Challenges

Starting a business can be challenging, and keeping it going strong takes a lot of work. However, when these efforts are successful, the rewards are well worth it. As a small business owner, you get to pursue your passion, hone your leadership skills, and bring your product or service to the world. To manage all of that, a little bit of help is essential. This blog provides the help you need. If you have questions on business loans, marketing, insurance, getting started, hiring your first employee or anything else, explore these posts. They are designed for aspiring, new and veteran business owners.

Follow This Procedure to Replace the Anodes in Your Water Heater

Business Blog

There are two problems you will encounter when using anodes to protect your water heater tank. These are corrosion and the build-up of calcium carbonate over time. Ideally, the purpose of having anode rods in the tank is to divert corrosion for the tank to the anode rod. The rod is thus eaten away in the process, reducing its ability to protect the tank. Secondly, you will notice a whitish substance accumulating on the rod over time due to a chemical process referred to as passivation. When corrosion and passivation attack your anodes, you need to replace the anodes as soon as possible to protect your tank further. These easy pointers should take you through the process of replacing the anodes:

  • Cut Off the Power Supply

You are working in a watery environment that requires electricity for heat energy. This poses the risk of electrocution to a person working without proper insulation equipment. Therefore, it is imperative to switch off the power supply to the tank before you start any inspection or subsequent step in the process of replacing your anodes. Preferably, you should switch off the power at the mains supply and probably put a visible warning on the main switch so that someone doesn't turn the power on while you are working.

  • Inspect the Anodes

Delayed replacement of the anodes is not good for your tank where as replacing them too early is also wasteful. Proper timing is key. You must inspect the anodes to ensure that they are due for replacement. Look out for whitish deposits on the lining in the tank or an anode that has been eaten away to less than a half of its original size.

  • Drain the Tank and Remove the Worn Anode

After ascertaining that your tank needs a new anode rod, drain the tank to a level where it allows you to work comfortably. The ideal thing to do is to drain all the water from the tank so that you can combine the anode replacement process with a thorough cleaning. After draining the water, unscrew the anode's fitting using a wrench. Be careful so that the wrench doesn't slip and break the anode's fitting.

  • Fit the New Anode

Strap some plumber's tape around the threads on your new anode. The tape ensures tight sealing for the threads on the new anode rod. Screw the new anode in place using a wrench. Your water heater tank is ready to use again.


16 May 2017